
Posts Tagged ‘Futurama’

After reading the SciFiChannel’s intention to “expand the definition of SF” (so that their channel will appeal to viewers other than “geeky young guys” [or even geeky old guys]) and after writing my previous entry about the death of traditional science fiction through the offices of mass market appeal courtesy of media conglomerates, I decided to take a look at what a REAL science fiction channel might look like.

Of course you’d have to start with product that was already in the can and cheap, which means a return to anything and everything that ran on the tube from the early 50s on (believe it or not, science fiction was one of the original genres embraced by early television broadcasters).

Of course, this isn’t a scientific study.  I have no access to market research that would help determine what kind of audience share such a channel might enjoy, nor do I know how much any of the owners of these properties that still remain in copyright might ask for airing them again.  I’m by no means a professional broadcast programmer.  Heck, I don’t even know if some of these shows are even available for airing any more.

But I do know one thing.  THIS is the channel I’d watch on a regular basis – even if it was only on for background noise.  Sure, some of the shows are definitely hokey and I’d probably flip over to Discovery or History when they aired (even despite the fact that this would be my own channel) – but from the small bit of research I’ve done on the net, every single one of them has a fan base that would love to be able to see them on the boob tube again, so who am I to judge? 

I mean, if every single one of these shows has generated a handful of fairly-well trafficked nostalgia websites (and some have hundreds), and if many of them have annual conventions devoted to their fans, and some of them even have Ebay categories devoted to them – how the heck can you go wrong tapping into that?

Maybe I ought to call it the Science Fiction Nostalgia Channel…

Imagine a click- through to the channel’s website from – every single lost in space fan page; every single irwin allen fan page; every single quantum leap fan page; every single firefly fan page…

Will the audience be 18 to 49 year olds?  Hell no.  It will be 35 to 70 year olds.  Most of whom have homes, multiple cars, many own their own businesses, the majority of this audience has a college degree.  Maybe the Intelligent Science Fiction Channel would be the proper name? Or maybe the “I’m A Parent With Minor Children and I Tell Them What To Watch Science Fiction Channel” would be most appropriate.

The Other Science Fiction Channel?  The REAL Science Fiction Channel?  I think I’ll stick with Classic Science Fiction Channel for now.  And notice, please, that I’ve completely foregone the use of the skiffy abbreviation.  SciFi is something you type when text messaging, or something you hang on a cable channel that features Professional Wrestling in its line up.

Tomorrow I will post my current show schedule.  Below are the names of all of the shows I considered.  What I’ll be posting is just the roll-out schedule.  Please, if there are shows that you think belong that I’ve missed, let me know.  In the meantime, please pass the word.  I’ll be doing the same on the forums I visit. 

Shows considered for the inaugural season of THE CLASSIC SCIENCE FICTION CHANNEL (in no particular order):




Fireball xl5

Super car

Lost in space

My favorite martian

Voyage to the bottom of the sea

Time tunnel

Land of the giants


Dr. who

One step beyond

Outer limits os

Outer limits ns

Night gallery

Twilight zone

3rd rock from the sun

alf 30 102

amazing stories

blake 7

captain scarlet

hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy

land of the lost

rocky jones, space ranger

War of the worlds



Red dwarf

Star trek tos

Star trek ng

Star trek ds9

Star trek voyager

Star trek enterprise

Star trek tas

Tripping the rift

The invaders

Johnny quest

Tales from the darkside

The prisoner

Stargate sg 1

Stargate atlantis

Dark angel

Babylon 5

Tripping the rift

Quantum leap

men into space

Buck rogers in the 25th century

The 6 million dollar man

The bionic woman

Flash Gordon serials

Flash Gordon

space above and beyond


the starlost


Science fiction theatre

The greatest american hero

Space 1999

Battlestar galactica

Alien nation



Logan’s run

astro boy

max headroom

Earth: final conflict



Exo squad



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